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3 tree(s) planted in memory of Christian Barrett
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Megan Barrett uploaded photo(s)
Friday, May 31, 2024

I love my brother so much, it’s always going to be unreal you’re gone now. I remember when we were younger , you sat me down to be there for me “aka a parent talk” when I called my teacher hot. I remember when you brought me kayaking, I remember when you brought me to my first official concert Paramore(which I loved) I remember telling I love you interrupting her speech and she said it back, I remember going axe throwing with you and Amanda , I remember you piercing Jordan (the carebear) , I remember you taking me tubing at a ski resort for the first time, I remember going to pride in Albany with you, I remeber you having Amanda’s name in your phone as Amanda dong girl because she called a gong a dong , I remember playing Fortnite and all these games with you, I remember the first time I got bullied(was a lot by the way) you were always right there for me.
I can go on and on and on, I will always remember you as this person that gave yourself and your all to whom you cared about. I love everything about you, I will always miss your beautiful smile, your charisma, your jokes, your laugh. Everything about you was beautiful. You gave the world everything. You shined a bright light on a dim world, you stood out in all the good ways. You and Amanda rocked those trip pants back in the day. I’m happy you lived, peep , Jordan, you left an imprint on us , even strangers. Part of me will always be hurt, lost , angry that you’re gone. You meant so much to many , you were to good for the world taken too soon. It sucks sometimes I wish I could just break and smash everything because I miss you.
Thank you for being there for me most birthdays, thank you for being caring, thank you for being YOU.
I love you so much Christian, the brother I always wanted , the man who spoke and the voice echoed. I will always miss you forever always. A beautiful soul gone too soon. Miss you forever deeda
Love Meg <3
Xavier Dirga uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 15, 2024




+ 4
You can spend your entire life looking for a best friend, one day you just simply run into each other not intentional. Then spend the rest of the night talking. Meeting you was fate. The moment after I apologized I knew I needed to talk to you. As many people know that have been effected by your aura. You are the easiest person to open up too. There is a light inside of you that many people wish they had. You are the only person who could see me ugly cry and you just accepted me as I was no matter what with no judgement. I'm glad that I got the time I did with you. I'll have these memories to hold forever with you. The fair, the prom, fishing (I'll keep the clicking noise on) , pride (even when we got dropped off at the wrong hotel, 2.2 miles away), plus working on Stacy's car to see who could get done faster. I had to teach you a few things but you are a fast learner and lots of places plus that spot I took you too where you just discarded your Celsius down the hole because you thought bugs were in it. Those will forever be my favorite places. I love you for you, and you brought out the best in me, and made me recognize so much. I'll always continue to keep your memories alive. Your forever imprinted on my heart. Thank you for all that you've done and continue to do even when you aren't here with us. I love you brotini.
Stacy Fisher uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, May 2, 2024




+ 6
Our story began at Wendy's, strange place but true story. He was working for CKA at the time and they had just purchased the store I was running. We had mandatory manager meetings each month. I walked into my first meeting a little nervous because I was the new girl and this group had been together alot longer. I saw him there. I was intrigued. He was so confident, smart, and definitely attractive. I managed to get all of the GM's #'s in case I had questions. I looked forward to these meetings, I traveled an hour but I didn't mind at all. He would roll in top down of his Saab convertible, music blaring, looking cute and smelling amazing. I couldn't wait to see him. One week I was headed to our meeting when half way there it was suddenly canceled bc a store had a surprise inspection. I was bummed. I realized I had everyone's numbers so I decided to text Christian and see if he wanted to meet up anyway and grab a drink. (FYI his favorite drink was a Mojito) He agreed! I was nervous and excited. I would finally get a chance to know him. We met at the Walmart parking lot and I offered to drive. I was playing music that he liked. We bonded immediately. He liked that I had the same taste in music. We were off to a good start. We talked and he told me of a tragedy that had happened to him in April. The house he was living in with his uncle had caught fire and he lost everything, including his uncle. My heart sank. I felt so bad for him and his family. We went to a bar in Schenectady and talked and laughed and really connected. We talked almost daily and the rest was history. We grew closer each day into weeks and months. We had so much fun together. Over our time together we navigated life together. He started his transition about a year after we started dating. I was so happy for him. I felt honored that he could talk to me about it and become who he was meant to be. I threw him a party! To my disbelief there weren't many of these parties in existence. . I invited his friends and family. It was a fun night. It was called lashes to stashes. It was mustache themed. We had food and drinks. I decorated the local bar that we had it at. Everyone had a blast and we ended up at a drag show! We enjoyed going to Albany Pride every June. Over the years we both changed jobs and moved but we always supported each other. He left Wendy's went to McDonald's and then Applebee's and made some life long friends. We did lots of things with them. Concerts, dinners, birthday celebrations, and the occasional house party. He met many people when we moved to GF. We enjoyed going to Turning stone with his mom and Alex, and his sister Megan when she was available. We played bingo. He loved playing poker and slot machines. We looked forward to our trips there. His favorite place to go was the beach, in particular Virginia Beach. We took several trips there over the years. The first year was with his lifelong friends (Julian and Becky) and discovered bird scooters. We hopped on and flew up the strip. It was such a fun experience. We went to many concerts together. He introduced me to In This Moment. We went to a show at the palace theater and I was hooked. We tried to see them every time they were in the area. Of course he loved Evanescence! He got a killer deal from a tattoo artist during Covid and he got a portrait done of Amy Lee. It was the best portrait I ever saw. He dedicated an entire arm to her. He said her music helped him when he was younger. He was probably her #1 fan. He turned 30 July of 2022 so I wanted to do something special for him. I believe in celebrating the milestones. We went to Vegas!! It was so hot there in July but we didn't care because he loved to sweat. I know that's weird to some but he was so happy after a good sweat. We had a blast. I took him to all the iconic places. We tried to get into Hells Kitchen, we were huge Gordon Ramsey fans. ( A trip to Atlantic City we went to Hells Kitchen and it did not disappoint!) We went to a couple shows, he played poker, we went kayaking, and just enjoyed our time together. Our time together was so precious. We worked alot so when we had time we made the most of it. Our time together was cut short and a part of me will forever be with him. He was a light. He was so driven and compassionate. He was shy at first but if you were important to him you felt it. I will always regret not having more time and not able to do all the things we wanted to do. I have the memories forever. I am grateful for him being in my life and loving me. He always saw the good in people. He lifted you up when you were down. I miss his smile and his dimples. I miss his voice and his laugh. His heart was bigger than his body. There will never be another person like him. I wish him happiness, peace, and a new beginning. I will carry him with me always. I love you babe!
Melinda Barrett posted a condolence
Monday, April 15, 2024
It's certainly bittersweet to say farewell to Christian, the eternal child at heart. With his effervescent spirit, he had a knack for making us all feel young...too young for condolences. Here’s to Christian—may we always remember the joy and happiness he brought into our lives.
Alex Klauber posted a condolence
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Such an incredible young man you were. Giving, loving and generous. You gave 110% into everything you did. You gave all you could to family, friends and even to acquaintances. Your effect on other people was electrifying. All who knew you are better people for it. I only wish you knew how many loved, respected and valued your kindness and compassion.
I believe actions are a true measure of a person’s character and Christian, you shined above all those I have known in my 63 years.
The love you’ve shown your mother and myself is rare these days.
I miss you. Everywhere I turn I am reminded of you. It’s so bittersweet.
Lastly, you taught me so much. Life wasn’t so easy for you, yet you persevered. You taught me about real courage, about how to love others-even strangers unconditionally. How to be a worthy of respect.
I love you son
Tia Stlaurent posted a condolence
Thursday, April 11, 2024
In the echo of Christian's memory we cherish a soul who was the embodiment of love, gentility, and ingenuity. A beacon of selflessness, his thoughtfulness consistently illuminated the way forward for all who were blessed to know him. As my nephew, his gentle nature remains deeply imprinted in my heart. His tenderness towards others stands as an enduring testament to his character—a legacy that brings comfort despite our shared sorrow.
Xavier Dirga uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, April 10, 2024




+ 1
I met Christian in glens falls at a bar unexpectedly and accidentally ran into him apologized to him for shouldering him. Something inside of me needed to go to him after that moment. All I remember saying was fuck it. It was never an awkward conversation with him. We talked all night. There was never any judgement from him, just trying to heal parts of me I didn't know I needed. For anyone who has experienced his presence you'd feel his energy radiate from him onto you. He was a strong minded and the things he loved you could see it in his eyes whenever he spoke about them. You are forever loved and forever missed by everyone you've met. You're the beautiful soul that people wish they could be. We all need to be more like him. So he can forever live on in us. Don't forget to cherish every moment you have on this earth and the people you love. Life is too short.
Bob Barrett posted a condolence
Saturday, April 6, 2024
I remember so many things. I remember fishing under the twin bridges. Trick or treating in Niskayuna. Getting stuck on the bridge at the great escape. Walking with you at your wedding. The memories keep going and going. I was hoping one day to ride motorcycles with you. I will never forget you. I miss you very very much.
Aiden Letcher posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
I'll never forget going to see Paramore and No Doubt together for my 16th birthday. That memory will forever be one I cherish and hold onto dearly. He was the kindest, most genuine person I had the honors of calling a best friend and I wouldn't have wanted to share that moment with anyone else.
Amanda Barrett uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, February 11, 2024



Where do I begin? From making forts, playing house, restaurant, and school as kids (even back when I gave him my homework to complete lol), to playing video games, mermaids in the pool out back (Yes, you too, Mindy – I didn't forget lol), rollercoaster rides at The Great Escape, puppet shadow shows, paintball, musical concerts where we took turns singing every song from Mulan, rewatching Titanic when it was 2 VHS tapes more times than I can count, debating which characters we all were on our favorite cartoons, magic shows that still make me laugh to this day (Mindy and Megan know what I'm referring to lol), sneaking on the desktop computer as soon as our parents left to download music (and viruses whoops) through LimeWire, which eventually led to our dad finding his evanescence music and playing it on repeat because he liked it lol, car rides home listening to Delilah on the radio with us all in the background cackling making jokes, riding bikes, skateboarding, bowling, axe throwing, hanging out at the mall for hours, and the most creative ideas that he would come up with for games to play or things for us all to do to make the most of our time. As we continued to grow up, we went through many phases, figuring out who we were and how we wanted to express ourselves, but one thing remained constant; he always supported those he cared about and stood by what was right. I can't count on both of my hands the number of times he had his siblings' and friends' back on things with zero hesitation because that was who he was. For anyone who has been around when all four of us siblings are together, you know what I mean when I say that the laughing, jokes, and cackling are almost identical and in sync with one another. Hearing his jokes with that laugh and seeing that smile is something I will miss forever. He was always hard-working and resilient, using life's adversities as lessons, motivation, and fuel to move forward. He was one of the most loyal and giving people I had the privilege to grow up with and was always someone who wanted the best for everyone. I could go on forever, but at the very least, I wanted to share a few memories that may seem like mundane everyday things to emphasize that his admirable character reflected in everything he did, even the small stuff, which, as we know, is what really matters at the end of the day. We used to laugh and say that one day when we're old, we will all be together reminiscing, sharing stories, and laughing about life. I'd like to believe that some of these memories would've been a part of that conversation, because these and many others are now some of my most cherished memories, but I know he will still be there in another way.
I don't want to say goodbye, so I will see you later, Christian. Love and miss you everyday!
- Amanda
Brett Porter posted a condolence
Saturday, February 10, 2024
To any family members of my boy, I met Christian while bartending in Glens Falls. We became friends quick. He helped me start up my business. He helped me through some weird parts of my life, and I was honored to have him come to my wedding. I'm gonna miss the guy more than words can describe. My condolences to all the family in this trying time.
Kayla Dunster uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 26, 2024

I met Christian through my sister Becca in our teen years. So much happened in that year of 2009, life jam packed with freedom and soul searching/discovery and I feel so blessed that Christians light made way in my life that year. Such a bold, vivacious spirit- It was so easy to want to be around him. We bonded over our zodiac signs, both being Cancers- and laughed at the nudges of insults from our horoscopes. When we got together, there was never any specific place to be, lots of coming and going, meeting and seeing other friends... (I vividly remember him being super excited to show me his friends bird that he would make swear haha), lots of time was spent listening to music, (Evanescence of course...) hangin' in my Jeep and just laughing at so much nonsense of the world. He broke my center console in that jeep. We laughed it off but to this day I yell at people to be careful when pressing against it in my new vehicles. Its funny to think about little things and impressions people leave in your every day life. Christian had a way of pulling people out of their shell... as an "extroverted introvert" as I say, I dont like too much attention or eyes on me (it makes me nervous) but he made me brave enough to have him be my official "photographer" so we could send in pictures to my "agent" in hopes of landing a gig on an MTV reality show haha What a pipe dream, But we tried! Nothing was out of reach. I hope he knew just how special he was. He surprised me one day when was I living with my cousin and her family with little kids/babies. I came home one day and didnt even know he was there,
I walked in and its like he was in the living room as though he was best friends with them and even playing with the kids. It was awesome. We kept in contact over the years and I loved witnessing his seasons of change and growth. Always such a huge fan of his and looked forward to so many more magical times in our new eras of life. My sister would message me, always super excited when she would get together with him because he had a way of making every single person feel seen and loved specifically for who they were individually.
I wish so badly we could all have more time but it truly would never be enough. The world needs more people like Christian. So in his honor I will choose to live with intent. Intentional kindness, making the most out of each fleeting moment and looking toward the light on the darker days. Until next time my friend- and there WILL be a next time...
-For ever loved in every form you ever were and ever will be...
Love Always,
Kayla Dunster
Ares LaMere posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
I have never met someone who I immediately connected with like I did with Christian. He was always there for me and all of his close friends whenever we needed anything, he was an amazing boss and a better friend. I used to time my smokes so that I could talk with him when we worked together. I will never forget the time I went with him and some friends to my very first concert and it was amazing, he definitely helped me get out of my shell. I will miss him forever, I cherish every memory I have of hanging out with him. I love you Christian. I will always be here for you Stacy, I love you and you will forever be a part of our group! Rest In Peace Christian! My thoughts and love goes out to all of the people he has connected with.
Lisa Bennett posted a condolence
Saturday, January 20, 2024
You are, were, and always will be my friend always protecting me always pushing me to be better. You hold a piece of my heart and soul always. Today was hard but it wasn't a goodbye Christian it is was see you later babe. We had a a lot of fun, and a lot tears together. Some how some day we will be together again because that's just us we always seem to find our way back to each other, but until then I'll see you in my dreams. I love you always and forever.
Hailie Slade posted a condolence
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Christian, Stacy, a few friends and I always met up to see our favorite bands in concert together. We had upgraded our tickets to be as close to the stage as we could, and I mentioned I had never crowd surfed before due to personal anxieties. Not only did Christian ease my anxieties but he had a friend of his lift me on his shoulders to see the stage and initiate the crowd surfing. I had never felt safer or more supported in a crowd of people than when I had Christian by my side.
Christa Lamay uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, January 20, 2024


Christian I will always miss our conversations about life. We met two years ago at work when you were on the mit training program you and me formed a friendship fast I mean it wasn’t hard. you were always a outgoing, caring, fun, honest loyal human among a million other things with such a special soul. My last memory with you was at a concert I was upset and being stubborn and wouldn’t admit it haha but you just knew I was upset and you wouldn’t stop till you got me dancing and laughing making me go to the front to see the band. That’s just the type of guy you were you were always able to read people so well and left lasting impressions with everyone you met. You uplifted so many people without even knowing it. Your passion for your friends and loved ones will always stick with me. We became a little family and you were a huge part of it my heart will always hold a space for you as a missing piece the family. I just hope I can be at least half the person you were you have taught me so much about what it means to be an amazing human being, a and a great friend. This is getting long so I will end it here because we both know the tangents we both would get it of word vomit haha. I just miss you so much but I hope your able to watch all the concerts you want up there. Love you long time my friend this isn’t goodbye it’s see you later forever 31. Rip
Anonymous purchased flowers
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

purchased the Purple Florist's Choice and planted a memorial tree for the family of Christian Barrett.
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May Christians light hold you close and comfort you today and always. Until we meet again, my sweet friend. Love Always - Kayla & Becca
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Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Christian Barrett
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

May Christians light hold you close and comfort you today and always. Until we meet again, my sweet friend. Love Always - Kayla & Becca Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Scott Richards uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Poker was one of your passions and you were good at it!
Your Sully's Family purchased flowers
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Your Sully's Family
purchased the Medium Dish Garden and planted a memorial tree for the family of Christian Barrett.
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We are saddened. In the time that we knew you, you will be remembered as a kind, caring and respectable person that the world will surely miss!
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Your Sully's Family planted a tree in memory of Christian Barrett
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

We are saddened. In the time that we knew you, you will be remembered as a kind, caring and respectable person that the world will surely miss! Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Eileen lit a candle
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tetherball spikes, that impish glare you wore so well...how many hurdles you leapt over & how we all loved you my Sweet friend...to know love & give as you did is precious. You are a Rock star..you are missed....Love to you Stacy, Lynette & girls..I'm heartbroken also; yet,..I'm here if you need me..as Always
Delaney Elias uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 16, 2024


I met Christian and Stacy at an Evanescence and Halestorm concert with my dad. He was so kinda and made me feel more comfortable at my first out of state show. I remember seeing him have wholesome and emotional interactions with complete strangers, which inspired me to be a light for others as he was. We started talking about music we liked, and I brought up In This Moment, a band we had both seen live. I mentioned a signed Whore hat they sell at shows, and he said he had one he didn’t really use, and he insisted on mailing it to me. We kept in touch. Fast forward a little bit, and he couldn’t find it so he bought a new one just to give to me. That’s a testament to how selfless and kinda Christian was. My last time seeing him in person was August of 2022, at a Lady Gaga concert. It was a very nice reunion, we talked about a variety of things, some emotional, some just fun, and I got to introduce him and Stacy to my mom. We wanted to try to see more shows together, but unfortunately it didn’t work out. Christian was a great guy, he made even complete strangers feel safe and comfortable. He continues to inspire me to be a better person.
Becca Dunster uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Words will never be enough. Thank you barely scratches the surface. But thank you for 15 years of your friendship and love. For being a beacon of light, comfort and safety for everyone you've ever loved. You are going to be missed more than anyone could ever express. I'd give anything for one more day with you. Rest peacefully my friend. Love you forever.
Lynette Barrett uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 16, 2024



I remember bringing you home from the hospital. You were such an easy baby, not really fussy. Toddler years were so much fun too. I can remember all the shenanigans you pulled as a kid and teenager. You kept me on my toes for sure. Fast forward into adulthood, we became very close. We spent as much time together as possible and you were such a joy to spend time with. All the amazing things you did for me, and with me, the surprise birthday getaway for my 50th and Alex’s 60th birthday was so much fun! The surprise get away to a Mets game, and the times we went to electronic bingo at the Turning Stone together. And so many more memories. I love you so very much and miss you! I will treasure all the memories we had together. Forever in my heart! You were loved by so many! RIP my sweet and amazing son! Gone too soon. I love you!
The family of Christian Barrett uploaded a photo
Monday, January 15, 2024

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Christian Barrett
Monday, January 15, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Daly Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Christian Barrett uploaded a photo
Monday, January 15, 2024

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